5 Tips To Keeping Your Pitch Clear And Concise

categorySeeing You Bigger
authorChristine Faulhaber
dateJuly 19th, 2019
Bad pitching is a thing. Unfortunately, much-too-much of a thing. The result: it makes PR professionals look stupid all the time. The best pitches are well written, well suited to the reader, and to the point. To help make your pitch cut through all the clutter, follow these five tips.
- They are well researched and tied to what you know the person you are pitching actually covers. This is not rocket science but a critical step that’s often overlooked.
- Say no to jargon. EVEN if your client adds it to a pitch. Words like “best in class”, “one of a kind” and “revolutionary” are usually best avoided. They trigger eye rolls big time.
- Keep it tight. The world of journalism is HARD. Newsrooms are more barebones than ever before. That means there is more to read through and less time. Get to the point as quickly as possible.
- Be direct and specific. Are you inviting media to an event for fun or is there a coverage expectation? Don’t leave this grey.
- Lastly, be clear in your subject line. For example, if it’s an invite say INVITE or YOU’RE INVITED.
Following these five tips will ensure you hit the ground running. Good luck!