How to Involve Celebrities and Influencers in Your Brand in 3 Meaningful Ways
authorErin Macintosh
dateSeptember 29th, 2022
As most of us know by now, influencers and celebrities are the new way for brands to leverage their advertising and marketing.
At this point, there’s no denying the massive impact and leverage that influencers and celebrities can have on your brand. They have created major waves in the industry and caused brands to shift their focus away from traditional marketing and advertising. It’s clear we know how important they’ve become and the literal influence they have on our society & consumers, so knowing this, it’s important for us to know exactly how to involve celebrities and influencers in our brands in a meaningful way, and we’re going to give you 3 quick tips to make this possible.
1. Know your audience
The influencer/celebrity space has become very saturated, there are tons of influencers in every space and niche. You need to make sure the influencer you are choosing to work with, matches your brand image/voice to some degree, and can relate to/speak to your audience in a way that is authentic to your brand.
2. Authenticity is key
Don’t control exactly what the influencer is saying, your customers can see right through that. Give influencers/celebrities as much creative freedom as you can, to speak to your products or whatever it is that they are promoting. When they truly see value in your brand and products and have the freedom to express this in their own way, this will resonate so much more with customers. They will sense the realness and authenticity which will automatically draw them in.
3. Create relationships
When working with influencers and celebrities on your brand, it is important that they feel a connection to you and your brand. When they feel valued as a creator and that you aren’t choosing just any body, they will be more likely to want to create great work for you because they see that you know their worth. If you see on their socials that they just got engaged, or it’s their birthday, etc., send them a gift, card, or flowers! Show them you care to create those meaningful and long-lasting partnerships. Long lasting partnerships bring so much more value to you and your brand and the influencers you are working with than one offs.
At FAULHABER, we work everyday at making our influencer relations as meaningful as possible. Get in touch with us or subscribe to our newsletter for industry insights and relevant news.