Spin Genie Ontario – Digital Marketing
Launch online legal gambling site Spin Genie Ontario.
Faulhaber partnered with Spin Genie Ontario in summer 2022 to launch the legal gambling site in Ontario. Working within the confines of the regulations, Faulhaber created an omnichannel approach to brand building led by digital marketing and influencer relations. The strategy was to present the brand as a playful and entertaining source of magical fun. To bring the energy of the brand to life, Faulhaber created a brand series “The Spin Up” hosted by media personalities Peter and Blake, and hosted a IRL consumer pop-up casino cruise.
Social Media
Paid Social
Content Production
Experiential Events
Media Relations
Paid Media
Display Media
- 23M+ organic social impressions
- 57M+ paid social impressions
- 391K+ organic website clicks
- 1.6M paid website clicks

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